Amulet/Prayer Rattle Bead -- Hand Formed
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Amulet/Prayer Rattle Bead -- Hand Formed

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Amulet/Prayer Rattle Bead -- Hand Formed
Total Quantity in Stock: 1
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Price: $40.00

Over the centuries native peoples have used bags or boxes or containers of various sorts to hold items representing their dreams, aspirations, and prayers to the gods.  Various animals were also used to enhance the intentions based on their meanings as totems.  These rattle beads have a slot in the top so you can write your prayers, aspirations, intentions, and dreams on a piece of paper and slip it inside the bead so you can wear it as a reminder of your intentions.  Whether you believe in the law of attraction or the power of totem animals and prayers or just like unusual and interesting jewelry, these rattle beads will fit the bill.

The rabbit is a totem for alertness, abundance, prosperity and success.  The perfect animal to carry your intentions for abundance and prosperity to the universe.

The fox is a totem for quick mental and physical responses to problem and for moving through new dimensions.  He is a symbol of the creation and growth of new worlds within yourself.  The perfect animal to carry your hopes and dreams.

Each of these rattle beads is hand sculpted using a native clay which I dig myself.  They are carefully sanded and burninshed with a rock then wood fired and smothered to create the rich black color.  These are low fired ceramic and  the burnished finish is a somewhat delicate one.   Care for them as you would fragile and soft gemstones.
